Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Chanuka and the American Dream

A few years ago Assaf Wole, an Israeli columnist, wrote a cute piece about two children – one Ultra-Orthodox and one secular – questioning their fathers about the essence of Chanuka. With his great knack for satire he portrayed the secular father trying to avoid discussion of the religious motivation behind the Maccabees’ revolt and the Ultra-Orthodox parent squirming when his child begins to understand that the righteous Maccabees actually went to the army. In all seriousness, there is much to be learned from Chanuka as to the way of life towards which we should be striving.

My father referred me to an article written by Rav Avigdor Amiel before 1948[1]. Rav Amiel points out a very interesting fact: the only Jewish holiday that commemorates an event that occurred in the land of Israel is Chanuka! He continues to argue that the main message to be learned from this holiday is that there was a time that we lived a natural Jewish life in our own land and that it will one day return.

What is a ‘natural Jewish life’? It’s living the American dream – in Israel! It is the harmonious blend of spirituality and materialistic abundance. It means that all Jews in Israel are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I have a great appreciation for religious censorship because it tends to highlight great books and passages that I would otherwise not be aware exist. One of my favorites is the Chatam Sofer in his commentary on tractate Sukka 36a (won’t be found in new editions, but Bar-Ilan’s Responsa Project has a good old edition that has it).

The Chatam Sofer writes that it is a mitzvah to work the fields of Israel and gather its produce as the Torah promises great agricultural abundance and commands us to go out and collect the fruit of our toil. He claims that just as no one would contemplate giving up wearing tefillin due to being preoccupied with Torah study, so too there is no concept of bittul Torah in regards to agricultural activity in Israel. The Chatam Sofer concludes with suggesting that this concept is valid not only in regards to agriculture rather to any profession that strengthens Jewish life in Israel. I can definitely understand why this passage was censored…

So, as we cherish the beautiful family moments we share during candle lighting on Chanukka, let us reflect on the glorious Jewish era that we were privileged to in the past and that is slowly but surely returning as you read these lines.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Rav Kook on Evolution: How His view of the Matter Evolved

On April 4, 2010, Israel’s Yediot Achronot published an article on its website (ynet.co.il) describing the background of the then recent dismissal of Dr. Gavriel Avital as the Education Ministry’s chief scientist. Here are a few lines from that article:

Sources familiar with the affair said Avital was fired over past statements he had made, in which he questioned evolution and the global warming theory.
Avital, who was named chief scientist in December 2009, said Darwinism should be analyzed critically along with biblical creationism.
"If textbooks state explicitly that human beings' origins are to be found with monkeys, I would want students to pursue and grapple with other opinions. There are many people who don't believe the evolutionary account is correct," he said.

Honestly, I think there is not much difference between firing a religious man for not conforming to mainstream scientific views and imprisoning Copernicus – a   scientist who would not conform to mainstream religious views. Moreover, according to the above-quoted excerpt, Dr. Avital’s “sin” was simply his advocating intellectual honesty. All he said was that students should “grapple with other opinions.” Silencing such voices of “heresy” is far easier and more convenient than actually listening to and analyzing that which other intelligent people may be thinking.

Having said that, I believe that religious thinkers - as well as secular ones - should do their best to study the idea of evolution in depth, for I am certain that there is much benefit to be gained by doing so. As I will later show, accepting or rejecting Darwinism can have serious philosophical and practical ramifications.

Ever since the theory of evolution was introduced, it was very difficult for most Jewish thinkers to accept as we will see in Rav Kook’s explanation. But I can think of a simple explanation that can account for many people’s hesitation to get anywhere near the subject: Some scientists deliberately do not differentiate between theory and fact and between facts and their possible interpretations. The fact that for so many people evolution is synonymous with sacrilege is to be blamed on those who try to use the theory to promote their atheistic belief. Most religious responses to this were not thought through deeply, rather were instinctive and natural response to being attacked.

Despite all of the above, the matter should be dealt with boldly, which is exactly what Rav Kook did.

On June 13, 1905, Rav Kook wrote a letter discussing his views on evolution (Igrot Ha’re’aya 1:91). Among other things, he wrote the following:

… even if it became clear to us that the world has developed by way of the evolution of species – still there is no discrepancy [with the Torah]. We count the years in accordance to the simple meaning of the verses of the Torah, which is more relevant to us than any historical knowledge - which has little to do with us. And surely the Torah is ambiguous in regards to creation, and it has spoken with hints and analogies, for everyone knows that the story of creation is included in the secrets of the Torah… And the most important lesson is that which assists us in the knowledge of God and in leading a truly moral life…[1]

Rav Kook moves past what some would view as a major theological problem with ease by stating that the fact that we now count 5772 years since creation is in accordance with the simple reading of the verses but does not necessarily reflect historical and scientific facts. The Torah is first and foremost a book that was given to us by God for us to improve ourselves and the entire world morally. The Torah describes many stories and details which are all true, but there is no reason to assume that this truth always reflects physical realities.

Later in the letter Rav Kook explains that God makes sure that humans are capable of coping with new ideas before he allows those ideas to be revealed. The example he gives is that if thousands of years ago people had known that the world was round, they would have constantly been afraid of falling off the globe (!) and thus would be much less productive. Scientific revelations are rationed by the Almighty so that they will benefit humankind and do no harm.

Yet Rav Kook seems to take a somewhat half-hearted approach by writing expressions such as “even if it became clear”. At this point he is not advocating the idea rather asserting that it does not conflict with Jewish belief.[2] That changed between 1905 and the time he wrote the passages that were published in Orot Ha’kodesh.[3]

In the chapter Hit’alut Ha’olam in the second part of Orot Ha’kodesh Rav Kook writes the following:

The theory of evolution which is now conquering the world is in accordance with the secrets of kabbalah much more than all other philosophical teachings. Development, which takes a track that leads to elevation, is what provides the basis for optimism in the world. For how can we be in despair when we see that everything progresses and is elevated?

Not only can we reconcile the theory of evolution with the Torah, but Darwinism as a theory expresses kabbalistic ideas in the physical world. As it harmoniously blends with the knowledge of the secrets of the Torah by way of mirroring that which occurs in the celestial spheres, evolution is a theory that Rav Kook cherishes and believes should be taught by the scholars of the generation[4]:

Thus this era demands that we spread the idea, the greater, broader and further ideal concept. It is impossible for the lowly structure of faith to be sustained after it has suffered such degradation upon degradation[5] and has wrapped itself with very thick sackcloth.

What had caused Rav Kook to change his attitude from merely viewing evolution as a possibly acceptable theory to full recognition of its spiritual potential? How did his grasp of the matter evolve?

Rav Yoel Bin-Nun of Alon Shvut told me that it is clear that the passages from Orot Ha’kodesh were written after World War I when Rav Kook believed that the world was making progress (as he wrote in some chapters Orot). After the war, Rav Kook saw history flow in harmony with the profound notions of esoteric Jewish teachings and with the theory of evolution that was ever so popular. He saw the “spiritual aesthetics” of kabbalah, history and science all fit together as in a perfect painting.

The main difference between Rav Kook’s outlook and some modern scientists is regarding God’s intervention at some point during the process. There is no question that according to Rav Kook God did install a neshama in man. This is no more puzzling than Him doing so with a clod of dirt. Thus the moral implications that may result from the belief that man is simply a sophisticated ape are obviously not supported by Rav Kook.

But to me, the most important issue that Rav Kook related to regarding this issue is the following:

[The problem is] that it is spiritually hard for people to accept this idea because they have become accustomed to thinking in terms of instant changes and to skipping crucial steps

People think that just because God can snap his anthropomorphic fingers and create whatever He wants, that is surely what He did with creation. People can’t imagine the only truly omnipotent being creating anything through a chain reaction that might take billions of years. But because everything about God is so mysterious and beyond us, why shouldn’t we add His scientific ways to the list?

I find it not surprising that it is Rav Kook and his followers who believe that issues such as the ingathering of the exiles, rebuilding of the Beit Hamikdash and the final redemption can all be milestones within extensive processes as opposed to instantaneous miraculous occurrences. The more I hear people say things such as “when Mashiach comes and we’ll all be in Eretz Yisrael[6] the more I feel that Rav Kook’s opinion on evolution should be heard.

[1] My translation - AM.
[2] This could possibly be attributed to that which I have mentioned earlier, namely the personal interests that some scientists have in promoting the theory.
[3] Published in 1938 after Rav Kook’s death in 1933.
[4] As stated later in the passage in a part that I have not translated.
[5] I believe Rav Kook means that the lack of complexity of thought is a degradation to Jewish thought.
[6] Rambam in Hilchot Melachim chapter 11 writes that Mashiach will bring all Jews to Israel. This does not mean we cannot start the process and merely let him complete it. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nuts For Torah

On my commute this morning, I was listening to Rav Shalom Rosner’s wonderful Daf Yomi shiur on today’s daf (Bechorot 30). Being extremely creative and imaginative, Rav Rosner used the Talmud’s mention of the fact that children love nuts as a point of reference to Rambam’s use of this notion.

In the introduction to his commentary on the 10th chapter of tractate Sanhedrin (Mishnah) Rambam writes that it is important to attract people to Torah study through reinforcement and reward. For children this reward should be ‘nuts, figs or a piece of sugar’[1]. As the years move on, the objects of reward change until a person can be fully removed from any ulterior motivation to study Torah.

This was not the first time I had been exposed to Rambam’s educational advice. It may seem quite intuitive and is used by most pedagogic methods around the world. But this time around it struck me: it is Rambam who is writing this! He, the epitome of self control and of living truthfully, one of the greatest role models in history in terms of always being in-line with his deepest values – understands who we are and what we need. He really gets it that a person might cherish some material possession, or even possibly an emotional benefit, more than the spiritual progress that is gained by the study of Torah.

Dwelling upon this point during the remaining moments of my commute, I felt that this is an important message twofold:
a) We are blessed to have such great scholars who are distinctly in a different category than we are yet are still capable of relating to us and demanding only that which we can actually provide.
b) We ourselves must always try and understand the viewpoint of those who have not yet attained our current spiritual status.

May we all go nuts for Torah – be it for nuts, iPads, respect or maybe even the truth!

[1] As Rav Rosner pointed out, obviously the actual treats must be updated.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Never Kill a Mockingbird - Educate It!

This past Shabbat the Hopkins eruv was down and students had to use the ''Hopkins Mekom Ptor'' to carry their keys. There was some concern as to generating mockery by some people who may not fully grasp the halachic concept. I was not on campus for Shabbat so I do not know of such responses, but I hope that generally this is a false concern. Nevertheless, I think this is a good opportunity to present my argument as far as how to relate to some halachic concepts that may seem - well, let's be honest - simply weird.

Think of a random medieval character travelling in time and landing in some present day western or westernized country. I'm sure that many of the technological advancements that we so closely rely upon during our day-to-day endeavors would seem to him like witchcraft. Who knows how long, if it would at all be possible, it would take to convince this person that all that he sees around him is simply a manipulation of scientific laws of the universe. There are too many prerequisite pieces of information and experiences, which we today view as being mundane, that this person is lacking in order to fully understand what his eyes are seeing.

I say that Jewish law has its own "scientific" dynamic and set of rules. Just as physics and chemistry are a description of laws pertaining to the material world, so too halacha is an expression of spiritual laws that have been revealed through the Torah. I believe this to be true in regards to both biblical and rabbinic laws, as through extensive Talmud study and deep analysis of rabbinic law it can be shown that the rabbis were committed to a consistent set of rules and methods.

It seems that this type of outlook can explain many perplexing rules that we may come across within Jewish law. Among these I would include concepts such as leniencies that may be used only in case of great need or situations that allow what may seem as an attempt to totally bypass halacha. If you understand that these are all part of a systematic structure you may come to accept the notion that just as certain physical reactions may have very different outcomes depending on the surrounding conditions (e.g. underwater explosions compared with those in open air), so too certain halachic actions are permissible in specific circumstance but not in others.

There is much room to elaborate upon this issue and to discuss it at greater length, but I think this is a good start. I can almost hear the words of the great sage Hillel echoing: ''this is the entire Torah, the rest is its interpretation - go and learn!" (Talmud, Shabbat 31a).

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Removing a Limb to Save the Body

This is a sad day for the state of Israel. The former president, Moshe Katzav, will be spending the next 7 years in jail after having his appeal rejected by the Supreme Court. In fact, this is not only saddening news but it is quite embarrassing as well.

Deliberately, I haven’t been following the details of the case. I felt no need for that and also think that much of what has been discussed is inappropriate, to state it mildly, for the Shabbat table - just a random measure I’ve set as a way of defining what’s worth listening to. But in my eyes the significance of today’s ruling is way beyond that which Mr. Katzav did or did not do.

Today Israel shows its people, and the entire world as well, that it does not hold a double standard towards any individual regardless of his or her status or contribution to society. Even if one day it will be proven that this whole saga is an awful mistake and that the former president did not commit any crime, we should remember this historic day as a time when Israel, once again, proved itself to be a truly democratic and free country.

Yes, it is expected that the Jewish state act within the highest standards of morality, yet in no way is it to be taken for-granted. Once again we have gotten a glimpse of the beautiful Middle Eastern gem twinkling in the dark. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Naming No Names

I couldn’t find the source for this, but it is said that a neshama chooses its parents before descending to this world. This is counter-intuitive because we are so used to making every possible choice for infants and it gives parents a mistaken sense of superiority. But in truth we must view children as pure entities that honored us with their trust and are hoping that we won’t let them down.

One of the many choices parents make for their offspring is giving them a name. A person’s name encompasses spiritual energy, identity and a vision. How in the world are parents supposed to choose a name for this neshama that has trusted them with the great task of helping it transition into the materialistic world?!?

Well, the truth of the matter is that this burden isn’t really upon their shoulders. Rav Yitzchak Luria[1] taught that God himself places the name of a child in the parents’ mouth so that people will end up having the name which is most befitting them. In other words, a person is born with a name and the parents simply reveal it.

Another possible explanation as to why parents are in need of prophecy in order to name their children is that it comes to remind them that it is not up to them to determine towards what their descendants should aspire. A child is not a tool with which you can extend your natural reach and achievements, rather a unique neshama with a purpose of its own. You are there merely to provide the surroundings that will be most conducive to assisting them in finding their path.

This is why I believe that although there is room for some rational considerations while thinking of an appropriate name for a child, for instance avoiding giving a name that may cause people to crack jokes or make fun, this process should only be secondary to the natural inspiration that parents are granted during these beautiful and moving times.

[1] Sha’ar Hagilgulim (Rav Chayim Veetal) 23d introduction.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

It’s Safer with a Seifer (ספר)

It is quite unbelievable that the second recorded action that Noah takes after leaving the ark is planting a vineyard. He proceeds to create wine and eventually gets drunk and sheds his clothes. What’s up with that?

I think the simple explanation is escapism. After such a devastating chapter in the history of mankind a man may feel compelled to curl up in the corner of his tent as close as possible to what may be perceived as a fetal position: alone, naked and with a total lack of cerebral capacity.

But I believe there is another aspect of Noah’s actions. He rightfully recognized that, in a sense, the world had been recreated and thus strived to reach the same state in which Adam had been when he was created. Noah’s drinking issue was a deep yearning for spirituality.

I honestly think that many of the modern day substance abusers are searching for some transcendental experience, and in my opinion they do in fact get what they are looking for. The problem is that this method is akin to hacking a computer system to extract information. You get what you’re looking for but you also wreak havoc in the process.

The good news is that there are safer (and legal!) methods of entering the realm of tranquility and elevation. It is by deep study of certain texts and through different methods of prayer and introspection that this can be done. Obviously, there is much room to elaborate on this topic, but from my stand point what is most important is that people know that it is out there.

In the words of the great sage Hillel in response to the person who wanted him to teach all of the Torah while standing on one foot: “go out and study the rest!”

Saturday, October 15, 2011

God’s Toll Free Number is Unveiled

R’ Nachman of Breslev was a mystery during his life as much as after his death. The man who didn’t make it past 40 has intrigued all sorts for 2 centuries now. Ranging all the way from Me’ah She’arim Ultra-Orthodox to academics and Californian new-age types – R’ Nachman is a celebrated figure as original and relevant today as he ever has been.

What makes this great Chassidic master so unique and extraordinary? What is it that possesses such a diverse crowd?

Contrary to many mystics of his era, R’ Nachman did not center the foundation of his movement upon miracles and supernatural experiences. History has proven those to be inefficient as far as maintaining long-term progress and commitment[1]. The founder of Breslever Chassidism preferred to focus on personal advice that would guide those who open their hearts. If you listen closely you might hear a soft voice from the depth of the endless Ukrainian forests that urges: “kids – try this at home!”

Take for example his teachings on hitbodedut, a subject upon which he put much emphasis. Hitbodedut is the act of turning to God with one’s personal words[2]. The inspiration and awesomeness that is planted in the soul, heart and mind of one who practices this spiritual exercise may very well resonate with a person due to the fact that it is not imposed externally rather grows from within.

Imagine R’ Nachman at his headquarters in his blue jeans, black turtle neck and shtreimle appearing before the frenzied masses who are worn down by anticipation. And then he finally gives it to them: It’s God’s phone number – and it’s toll free! Hitbodedut is no less exciting than that, plus you don’t have to get in line early in the morning to be one of the first to use it[3].

Sevice Coverage
My Momma always says that even though you can call the Almighty from all over, in Israel it’s a local call. I guess now that we’ve established that it happens to be a toll free number I should update the idea: You can place your call from anywhere, but chances are you’ll be more motivated to actually use the phone in the Holy Land[4]. Well, there’s also the issue of the quality of the line and the number of dropped calls…

[1] See for instance Exodus 32 where we read about the sin of the golden calf which took place shortly after incomparable miracles and Godly revelations.
[2] See Likutei Moharan B:25
[3] Although the truth is that spiritual data seem to flow faster during that time.
[4] See Likutei Moharan A:155 and notice the connection between the conclusion and the opening statement.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Homeward Bound

The news that Gilad Shalit will be coming home came just as much as a surprise as did that of his kidnapping. I remember thinking on that grim day in June 2006 that surely by nightfall the IDF would have launched a mission to release him (just as they did with Nachshon Waksman in 1994, although it wasn't on the day he was kidnapped). Little did I know that a 5 year saga had just begun.

It will take some time to fully digest the complete extent of this leap forward, both emotionally and politically. But now is the time to set aside all arguments and opinions and focus on one beautiful aspect of our people that is being displayed for the whole world to see: We care about every single individual and we will never ever forget or let go. This characteristic is rooted so deeply in our souls that we may mistakenly take it for-granted.

Different people had different ideas about what they could and should do for Gilad. Sometimes these ideas were passionately debated and one side would adamantly oppose the other's actions. But whether it was through prayer or rally, Facebook or Youtube - we were all there. We cannot imagine things being any different.

I say this at a time when the whole world can clearly do the math and see how much in fact we care:

"JERUSALEM — Israel and Hamas, two of the Middle East’s most implacable foes, announced Tuesday that they had reached a tentative agreement brokered by Egypt to exchange more than 1,000Palestinian prisoners for an Israeli soldier held captive in Gaza for more than five years." 
(Ethan Bronner, NY Times October 11, 2011)

The disproportion is not hard to detect. The only reason it can be this way is that we are the ones who fully appreciate Gilad Shalit as a human being, as a Jew and as a soldier.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ostriches, Murder and the State of Israel

I sincerely believe that all fast days were instituted not only as mourning days for past events rather as appropriate times for introspection and correction in the present. Moreover, I think that each fast day contains a different guideline as to the specific issues that should be addressed. What should we be examining on the Gedaliah fast?

Gedaliah Ben Achikam was the Babylonian-appointed governor of the small community that survived the destruction of the first temple[1]. Although the Jewish community had suffered a disaster of enormous proportions, Jewish life continued to a degree. This aggravated many people, some of them being Jews.

Yishmael Ben Netanya, himself a Jew, was sent by the king of Ammon to assassinate Gedaliah. The governor was warned of Yishmael’s intent but did not take defensive action, ruling the claim to be lashon hara (slander)[2]. The tragic end was that Gedaliah was murdered and the small community scattered into exile.

There is no question that Yishamel Ben Netanya committed an appalling crime, but never the less the sages criticized Gedaliah for not taking cautious measures against his killer. The Talmud[3] teaches that although one should never fully accept slander, when being warned of someone’s malicious intentions he must take action to avoid the consequences. This is a complex dynamic to master, but it was expected of Gedaliah - a truly righteous and capable leader.

When we fast on this day, let us think deeply of our own ability to grasp halachic and moral complexities. May we attain the capability to do the right thing even when it may seem counter-intuitive.
The Gedaliah Fast and the State of Israel

Let us conclude with one more thought to ponder. One of the main reasons for mourning on this fast is that the last functioning Jewish community in the land of Israel had been shattered[4]. That group’s circumstances were far from ideal, but we still appreciate its existence to the point that we commemorate its destruction. So too must we view the far more vibrant, flourishing and autonomic community that currently functions in Israel and appreciate its existence as a step towards the complete redemption!  

[1] See Yirmiyahu chapter 40
[2] Thus the ostrich in the title – ignoring warning because it may be slander is akin to an ostrich sticking its head in the sand.
[3] Niddah 61a
[4] See Yirmiyahu 40:15

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Child Sacrifice in the Modern Age

For a long time, I did not understand why the Torah commands us to fight idolatry so fervently. Why are we so intolerant when it comes to belief systems that do not accept God as the King of Kings?

It was during a field trip in college that I began to comprehend what the Torah was saying on the subject. We were in the valley of Ben Hinom, south of the Old City of Jerusalem, when the instructor read us a description of the worship practiced in that very valley a few millennia ago. He read from Midrash Tanchuma (Va'etchanan addition b) that describes in detail how parents used to sacrifice their children to the idol Molech. It was nauseating and I could hardly stomach it. But until now, the part that strikes me the most in this vivid and gory description is that the priests used to beat the drums very loudly lest the parents hear the child cry and change their mind.

People tend to think that the horrific practice of child sacrifice is no more than a vague and distant historical memory; however, I personally believe that it is alive and well.

Yes, there are savages among us who think it a pious act to slaughter three month old babies (they'll go for 3-36 year olds too)[1]. They honestly believe that by such a cowardly act they will be closer to God[2]. All I can wish for them is that they find out for themselves as soon as possible the true reward for their actions.

The drums can be heard too in this renewed version of 21st century Molech worship. To dull the natural repulsion of these grotesque acts they begin educating early on that the greatest religious act one can preform is to kill Jews, preferably children[3]. They'll spread lies about IDF soldiers and deny the holocaust as well. Anything to make sure not one drop of morality accidentally seeps into their awareness.

We, citizens of the free world, are at war with those who sanctify death. It is important that we acknowledge that. We must in return do our very best to sanctify life. 

[2] I do not mean by this that they are not monotheistic; rather I claim that the same dynamic that existed in the worship of Molech exists today. The belief that murdering a child can be a holy act is the essence of both philosophies.
[3] If you don't believe me I suggest you watch this documentary by National Geographic (on the third page of videos). A picture is worth a thousand words. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/videos/feeds/cv-seo/Full-Episodes/All-Full-Episodes/